Kick Your Tribble: Join the 7th ITS in their crusade to rid the galaxy of the Tribble Menace, Mondays - 6, 13, 20, and 27 March.
Terran Tuesdays: Unleash your Terran Empire Captains, gear, and ships every other Tuesday - 7 and 21 March.
TOS Tuesdays: Grab your The Original Series [or any pre-24th Century] gear and ships and report for duty with ADM Van Wormer every other Tuesday - 14 and 28 March.
Main March Fleet Events:
Operation Delta Dawn - The 7th Fleet will patrol the Delta Quadrant, making it safe for civilization. 3 March
Operation Beta Blues - The 7th Fleet will pacify hot spots in the Beta Quadrant. 17 March
March Fleet Staff Meeting, 31 March. All are welcome to attend, no matter how new to the Fleet. Both Fleet and Armada members are welcome to attend this and all other events. We like to go around to everyone attending after the main business of the month is concluded, and ask if they have anything to add or need.
April will be Klingon Appreciation Month! Stay tuned to find out what mayhem will by unleashed in April, by the 7th Imperial Tactical Squadron.
Armada News: Haven Fleet reports that their Spire is done. Congratulations to them! They are now focusing work on the Starbase on their Fed side Fleet, and the Dilithium Mine on their KDF side Fleet. As always any assistance with those is greatly appreciated.
All event meeting times are at 2100 hours [US East].