March Fleet Staff Meeting Minutes and April Events Calendar
Kick Your Tribble: Join the 7th ITS in their crusade to rid the galaxy of the Tribble Menace, Mondays - 3, 10, 17, and 24 April.
Terran Tuesdays: Unleash your Terran Empire Captains, gear, and ships every other Tuesday - 4 and 18 April.
TOS Tuesdays: Grab your The Original Series [or any pre-24th Century] gear and ships and report for duty with ADM Van Wormer every other Tuesday - 11 and 25 April.
Main April Fleet Events: April is Klingon Appreciation Month
Klingon Civil War - Friday 7 April. The 7th Imperial Tactical Squadron will fight through the KCW Patrol Missions.
Bat'Leth Tournament - Friday 21 April. Can anyone defeat our reigning Champion?
April Fleet Staff Meeting, 28 April, 2100 hours US Eastern Time. All are welcome to attend, no matter how new to the Fleet. Both Fleet and Armada members are welcome to attend this and all other events. We like to go around to everyone attending after the main business of the month is concluded, and ask if they have anything to add or need.
All events begin at 2030 US Eastern Time, unless otherwise noted. Note that the First Contact Event starts today, as soon as the servers are back online!